A new report, Mailbox Forwarding Rule Report for Microsoft tenants will be available within the Reports module, however in order for us to collect the data associated with the report, we need additional permissions for existing Microsoft connections. Since we default to the fewest permissions needed, when a feature requires additional permissions the Microsoft connection will need to be upgraded.
Once the report has been released, we will be comparing the version of the connection with the version needed that has the additional permissions included. Any tenant that is on a version that doesn’t include the permissions will see the upgrade button for their Manage Microsoft connection. The MSP will need to click the upgrade button accepting the new permissions. Once this has been completed the Mailbox Forwarding Rule report will be available for that tenant.
Each existing Microsoft connection for Manage will need to be upgraded in order to access the Mailbox Forwarding Rule report. Any new connection will automatically be created with the necessary permissions. The existing connections will have the upgrade button available and the upgrade process will need to be completed for each tenant that the report will be utilized for.
Getting Started:
Microsoft Connections Needing an Upgrade
1. SaaS Alerts "MSP Admin" privileges
2. Sign in with Microsoft or Google OAuth OR Enable MFA in SaaS Alerts user settings when using username and password.
3. Navigate to Organizations
4. Select Edit Organizations
5. On the Microsoft Manage connection, press the Upgrade button *Note - Please make sure you disable MFA if you choose to use Google or Microsoft Authentication
New Microsoft Connections 1. Refer to the guide here
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