Removing Microsoft API Connection
This guide will show you how to fix the MSGraph permissions Reports.Read.All problem.
First login to the SaaSAlerts User Interface, select "Organizations" from the left side of the window and select your customer.
Select the "Pencil" to Edit the Organization
Remove Microsoft Connection
In the Connected App Section select the "Trash Can" icon to remove the Microsoft Connection.
Select "Delete" to remove the Connection to Microsoft
Microsoft has been successfully removed
Removing SaaSAlerts from Microsoft Azure
In a web browser navigate to
Please be sure to log in using the Customer's Microsoft Domain Admin Credentials.
In the Search bar at the top of the window type "Enterprise".
Then select "Enterprise Applications"
Locating the SaaS Alerts Application
Removing the SaaSAlerts Application from Azure
Edit Customer in SaaS Alerts Re-Connect Microsoft
Microsoft Authentication Pick an Account
Use the Customer's Microsoft Domain Admin credentials to authenticate. Please be aware that this authentication MUST include an MFA prompt during connection, if it does not this connection attempt will need to be tried in a new Google Chrome incognito session.
A check box will appear next to the "Microsoft" Logo. Select "Next".
Microsoft Connection has been created successfully, Select "Continue".
Confirm SaaSAlerts addition to Azure
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